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Useful Resources

As we've gone down this rabbit hole, we've found a few resources that are pretty helpful. There might be better places for this to live, but we gotta start somewhere and these resources haven't found a better home yet. We'd recommend checking them out!

Resource Context
Practical OpenTelemetry Provides a good baseline context for OTEL and it's use cases in the context of real code.
Splunk - What is Observability Provides a good baseline on what observability means and how it's different, but related to monitoring. The second most actively contributed CNCF project behind K8S. Essential for O11y
o11y demystified The article that gave us the o11y name
o11y in distributed systems - Google SRE A very brief and succinct of what o11y is and how to use metrics, traces, and logs
OTEL the o11y framework that's cloud native Talk at AWS about OTEl by Dennis Kieselhorst (Devoxx) the creator
Space Metrics A post about SPACE metrics, the metrics missing from DORA
Google SRE Handbook A doc on monitoring distributed systems