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Satisfaction & Well-being

This set of metrics is qualitative in nature but critical to measure overall health, happiness, and culture of a team. We have found that teams can perform well on the quantitative metrics but have a toxic culture. Happy engineers create better products for our customers. There is much more to be said about the correlation of productivity and job satisfaction in the research piece on SPACE.

  • Team & Leadership Joy Index - Benchmarks individual developer experience, satisfaction, and happiness using NPS (Net Promoter Score) and surveys
  • Open & Transparent Communication - Assess how communication happens in persistent chat platforms taking a look at total message count in public channels vs private and direct messages.

Joy Index

Benchmarks individual developer experience, satisfaction, and happiness.

How to Measure: Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) tracks employee engagement and measures the impact of their people and culture initiatives. The eNPS shows how workers feel about your organization.

Example Question: “How likely are you to recommend us as a place to work for your family, friends, co-workers?”