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Engineering Defaults

Much of OpenO11y's guidance is based on or enhanced by these best practices for engineering teams.

Pair Programming

Pair programming is a software development technique in which two developers work together at one workstation. One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or navigator, reviews each line of code as it is typed in. The two developers switch roles frequently.

This method provides extremely fast feedback to developers about their code changes and design decisions before. In turn, this prevents wasted effort and produces cleaner, simpler code at a faster rate.

Tooling can greatly improve the developers' experience while pair programming. Audio calls and screen sharing enable pair programming for engineers in different physical locations. Similarly, IDE tools such as Visual Studio Code's Live Share extension allow both parties to develop code changes simultaneously in a single workspace.

Small Batch Delivery

OpenO11y encourages teams to deliver in small batches. Delivering small portions of work enables teams to deploy, demo, and request feedback more frequently. Much like pair programming, this practice aids teams in coordinating their efforts and safeguards against individuals investing time and energy in developing an incorrect solution.

Trunk Based Development

A source-control branching model, where developers collaborate on code in a single branch called 'trunk'4

OpenO11y highly recommends using Trunk Based Development over other branching models. Its focus on simplicity offers many advantages:

  • The 'main' branch represents the application and is always production-ready
  • Smaller, short-lived branches are dramatically safer to merge
  • Developers enjoy a reduced cognitive load
  • CI/CD requires less maintenance and/or is much simpler



Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice where developers integrate code into a shared repository frequently, preferably several times a day. Each integration can then be verified by an automated build and automated tests.2

CI is a critical part of the development lifecycle and is a natural compliment to Small Batch Delivery. This provides developers with very frequent feedback on their code changes. When problematic merges occur, teams are quickly notified. More importantly, a bad merge can be identified immediately, allowing the relevant team members to quickly fix the issue.

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery can be traced back to the first principal of the Agile Manifesto1 and naturally follows Continuous Integration. It is the practice of sequentially deploying every viable version of an application, ideally to production. This ensures that the software can always be released at any time.


As teams continually rely on CI/CD, the pipelines often become a bottleneck for continuing development. This is amplified by the combination of frequent code merges and CI/CD.

A fast CI/CD pipeline provides developers with fast feedback. A slower pipeline adds a wasteful delay to the developer's workflow before receiving feedback. A very slow pipeline motivates context switching as developers perform other tasks while waiting for feedback. This is very expensive in terms of time and cognitive load.

Build for Production

Teams that build for production ensure that all the work they are building is observable and supportable in production. These expectations are part of the acceptance criteria for all stories. Logs are generated, traces are stitched, and metrics are gathered from the beginning and updated with each change as needed. The team partners with Product to know what is expected from the system. SLIs and SLOs are defined, dashboards created, and alerting configured. The team knows what to do when there is an alert.

It’s much harder to add observability and supportability ‘hooks’ after a feature is complete and usually requires significant refactoring. Putting a minimum set of observability and runbooks/KB in place before shipping to production increases resilience of the system, and allows for faster feedback.

The 2022 State of DevOps report found "when a service is unreliable, users won’t benefit from pushing code faster into that fragile context." This means that benefits of the other Sensible Defaults can be limited (or unlocked) by how the team is Building for Production.

Build In Security

Teams should always be concerned with security and this should affect how they plan work items. If a work item has security implications or concerns, the same acceptance criteria should address them. This prevents teams from separating security needs from other work and denies the opportunity to delay the implementation of security requirements.

Software security is far too large in scope to be covered by OpenO11y. NIST has several publications such as 800-535 that dive deep into information technology security. OpenO11y offers the following short list as a starting point for teams to follow.

  • Secrets are never stored in git repositories; Use a secrets management service
  • Dependencies in platform, code, and tooling are patched regularly, preferably using an automated dependency checker
  • The principle of least privilege3 is followed, ensuring identities only have the minimal set of permissions necessary to complete their required tasks
  • Systems are analyzed to ensure threats have compensating controls to prevent unintended usage

Team Ownership of Quality

Team ownership of quality means that all team members share equal accountability for their responsibilities and the quality of their work. In order to achieve continuous delivery and reduce the mean time to validate a change and enable fast feedback at every phase of the software delivery life cycle (SDLC) team should embrace a team ownership of quality mindset and continuous testing practices​.

One of main attributes of Team ownership of quality is achieving continuous testing

Continuous testing is a software testing methodology that helps identify and address risks at all stages of the development pipeline. In other words, it means testing all potential code changes as early as possible. The goal of continuous testing is to minimize business risk and impact on users.​

Test Driven Development